Doc: Vout + VF ton/toff = ---------------------- Vin(min) - Vsat - Vout (ton + toff) = 1/f < 10us (f<100kHz) ton + toff toff = ------------ ton/toff + 1 ton = (ton+toff) - toff Ct = ton * 40 uA/V Ipk(sw) = 2Iout(max) Rsc = 0.3 / Ipk(sw) Vin(min) - Vsat - Vout L(min) = ton(max) ---------------------- Ipk(sw) | Vout | = 1.25 ( 1 + R2 / R1 ) Vripple(p-p) = Ipk * ( (ton+toff) / (8*Cout) + ESR ) (ton+toff) Vripple(p-p) Cout = ---------- / ( ------------ - ESR ) 8 Ipk | Vout | = 1.25 * ( 1 + Rtop / Rbot ) /// Rsc have, at current limit, 0.3V, so it must have a sufficient power rating Vsc = 0.3V, Imax = Vsc / Rsc, Psc = Imax * Vsc. Imax Rsc Psc A Ohm W 1.36 0.22 0.40 0.91 0.33 0.30 0.64 0.47 0.20 0.44 0.68 0.13 0.30 1.00 0.09 Note, that standard chip resistors have theese power limits: 3216/1206 0.25W 2012/0805 0.125W 1608/0603 0.1W 1005/0402 0.063W /// Common output voltages. $ ./ Rbot=10k 3.3 5 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 Rbot = 10.000 kOhm Vref = 1.250 V Rtop Vout 16.400 kOhm 3.300 V 30.000 kOhm 5.000 V 62.000 kOhm 9.000 V 70.000 kOhm 10.000 V 86.000 kOhm 12.000 V 110.000 kOhm 15.000 V 134.000 kOhm 18.000 V 150.000 kOhm 20.000 V 182.000 kOhm 24.000 V $ ./ Rbot=6.8k 3.3 5 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 Rbot = 6.800 kOhm Vref = 1.250 V Rtop Vout 11.152 kOhm 3.300 V 20.400 kOhm 5.000 V 42.160 kOhm 9.000 V 47.600 kOhm 10.000 V 58.480 kOhm 12.000 V 74.800 kOhm 15.000 V 91.120 kOhm 18.000 V 102.000 kOhm 20.000 V 123.760 kOhm 24.000 V